

From tutors who work one-on-one with our students, to those who support our events and fundraising activities, we're grateful for the generosity, dedication, and commitment of all our volunteers. Our volunteer program is comprised of a diverse group of respected and engaged volunteers who increase our capacity to fulfill our mission with their gift of service. For more information about volunteer opportunities, call us at (414) 344-5878 or email volunteer@literacyservices.org.

What does it take to be a tutor?

Volunteer tutoring can be a challenging, yet thoroughly rewarding experience. While we do not require volunteers to have previous teaching experience, we do ask all volunteers to consider whether tutoring adults is a good fit for them. The first step is to evaluate your skills, abilities, and interests to see if they match the qualifications we seek in tutors. Qualified volunteer tutors:

  • Are at least 18 years of age 
  • Have a valid email address and regular email access
  • Are willing to complete background screening
  • Are able to commit to volunteering for 2 hours a week (one 60-90 minute student session plus 30 minutes of prep) for a minimum of 6 months
  • Are able to explain things using simplified language
  • Are patient, compassionate, supportive, enthusiastic, and reliable
  • Are able to follow directions to ensure consistency of instruction

How do I apply?


When you are ready to apply, please complete and submit an online volunteer application.


After you apply, we'll contact you for specific training in your desired area of volunteering.