Recurring Gifts
Recurring donations sustain the momentum of student achievement and simultaneously ease the administrative burden of donors wishing to impact our mission on a recurring (monthly, quarterly, or annually) basis. Use the secure form on the right to set up your recurring contribution to Literacy Services. You can choose the amount and the frequency to be automatically withdrawn from your credit card or bank account.
Examples of how your recurring gift can make an impact include:
Provides GED practice test vouchers for 15 students.
Provides two tablets for supporting our English Language Learning digital literacy curriculum.
Supports a student through an entire 16-week high school certification course.
Have a question? Give us a call at 414-344-5878 or email Madison Olig at madison@literacyservices.org.
Literacy Services of Wisconsin is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.